“Tiny Habits” is a practical and engaging book providing a step-by-step guide for creating small, sustainable changes in your life. BJ Fogg, a behavioural scientist, introduces the concept of “tiny habits,” which are small, specific actions that can be easily incorporated into your daily routine. By starting small and focusing on easy-to-do behaviours, you can build momentum and create sustainable positive changes in your life.
As per usual I have included five specific activities from the book that you can implement directly in your day-to-day to improve your life:
- Start “tiny”: Choose a tiny habit that is so easy you can’t fail. BJ Fogg calls this the “stupid-small” approach. For example, instead of committing to 50 push-ups a day, start with just two push-ups after brushing your teeth.
- Celebrate your success: Whenever you complete a tiny habit, celebrate! Irrespective how tiny it is. This could be as simple as saying “I did it!” or doing a little dance. Our brains are wired in such a way that celebrating on the spot after completing a habit is a very powerful way to reinforce the behaviour and make it more likely that you will continue to do it.
- Identify and leverage anchor moments: Choose moments in your day that already happen consistently, such as brushing your teeth, taking a shower, or making coffee. Use these moment as an anchor for your new tiny habits. For example, after you finish brushing your teeth, do two push-ups.
- Stack your habits: Once you have established one tiny habit, you can stack additional habits onto it. For example, after you do your two push-ups, you might also drink a glass of water.
- Create a habit tracking system: Tracking your habits can help you stay motivated and accountable. Create a habit tracking system that works for you, whether that’s using a habit tracking app, a bullet journal, or a simple spreadsheet. Make sure to track your progress regularly and celebrate your successes along the way.
Overall, “Tiny Habits” is one of the best books on habits that I have read. It is an excellent resource for anyone looking to make small, sustainable changes in their life. By focusing on tiny habits, you can build momentum and create lasting change.